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Facing Problems With Xarelto? Here’s What You Can Do

Xarelto is a well-known anticoagulant that has gained notoriety in the recent years. There are many lawsuits filed against Bayer as well as Johnson & Johnson because the medicine is known to cause serious health problems. This drug is prescribed to nearly 25 million patients across the world every year so many people are at risk from it. At My Xarelto Claims, we have handled many cases in this field and are very familiar with the process. Here are some facts about it:

1. Why is this medicine risky?

All medicines carry a certain amount of risk and can cause side-effects. These problems are generally mild, not causing any serious harm to a patient's health. Some amount of risk is considered acceptable by established medical standards. Xarelto exceeds the limits and causes severe distress to the body. Patients who consume this drug regularly can experience symptoms like:

•    Regular and persistent headaches
•    Internal and external bleeding
•    Blood is the urine and stool
•    Numbness and paralysis
•    Coughing or vomiting blood

Many patients are hospitalized and some suffer fatalities because the damage can't be reversed. There are safer alternatives, which is why many people have filed cases and seek xarelto legal compensation.

2. Is there a legal basis for filing the case?
People often hesitate to file a lawsuit under such circumstances because they trust a doctor’s advice and don’t really believe medication is a cause of their problems. It’s always a good idea to consult with a legal professional regardless of what you believe. Here are some reasons why people take this step:

•    The drug wasn’t tested thoroughly by the manufacturers or the FDA before it was released into the market.
•    Manufacturers didn’t provide any warnings so doctors and patients couldn’t make an informed decision.
•    It was marketed as a superior alternative to all anticoagulants available in the market.

Manufacturers are liable for selling a drug without telling people how it might affect their health. Until FDA received reports from concerned medical professionals, no one knew how harmful this drug was. That why it’s a good idea to consult with a professional and file a case if you or someone in your family has experienced health problems because of Xarelto.

If you want to help with xarelto negligence and related lawsuits, don’t hesitate to contact us at My Xarelto Claims. We’ll be happy to answer your questions and offer you straightforward legal advice.


  1. We care about people and we want to help. If you or a loved one have suffered from life-threatening or fatal side effects from a medication called Xarelto (the brand name for rivaroxaban), contact us to set up your free consultation and let us help you.

    Check our site to know more about us.


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